Monday, December 26, 2022

My Burden is Light

My burden

I am the light of the world.

The light which is in all things,
which giveth life to all things,
which is the law by which
all things are governed.

The light that shineth in darkness,
and the darkness comprehendeth it not.

Take my yoke upon you.
Then are ye my disciples indeed:
Ye are
the light of the world.

A city that is set on a hill
cannot be hid.
Neither do men light a candle,
and put it under a bushel,
but on a candlestick
to give light to them that sit in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
to guide their feet
in the way of peace.

My word
is a lamp unto the feet,
and a light unto thy path.

All ye that kindle a fire,
that compass yourselves about with sparks,
that set yourselves up for a light unto the world
that ye may get gain and praise of the world
but seek not the welfare of Zion, 
walk in the light of your fire,
and in the sparks that ye have kindled -
this shall ye have of mine hand:
ye shall lie down in sorrow.

I Am
the true light
that is in you,
and you are in me;
otherwise ye could not abound.

Therefore, cease from all your
light speeches,
from all your lustful desires,
from your pride and

If your eye be single to my glory,
your whole bodies shall be filled with light,
and there shall be no darkness in you;
and that body which is filled with light
comprehendeth all things.

That which is of God
is light;
and he that receiveth light,
and continueth in God,
receiveth more light,
for light cleaveth unto light,
and that light
groweth brighter and brighter
until the perfect day.

Learning to be Happy

Share a "haikaption" (haiku caption) in the comments for this pic if you feel so moved!
My attempts are here.

(reminder: haiku is 5, 7, 5 syllables)


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Pioche, Nevada


Leprechauns have placed
pots of black gold at the end
of modern rainbows.

At Larry's fuel shop,
iridescent oil slicks
bedazzle the drab.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

To Subtract Fractions

These are not the words
one expects as a response
to encouragement.

Rather than rebuff
and court further entrenchment
on this battle line,
I laughed. Then we laughed.

Common denominators
being requisite
to solve this problem.

Sometimes we wax improper
to subtract fractions.

Monday, October 17, 2022

The Clothesline

A childhood friend shared with me he'd bought roof-top solar panels.

My wife informed me that we'd bought a clothesline.

"They won't pay for themselves until someone else owns the house,"
he told me,
"but that's okay - it's the principle that matters."

"With 3 kids and 1 in cloth diapers,"
my wife told me,
"it'll more than pay for itself soon,
so we can put more down on the house's principal
and focus on other financial matters."

When I briefed my friend on how we were also using solar power,
he admitted his solar-panel-o-meter shifted 
from showing a surplus 
to relying on the grid
whenever he ran the dryer.

"With 2 kids in sports and 1 in Pampers,"
he shrugged,
"it's just too much work to dry all their clothes on a line."

I nodded knowingly.

I'm glad that the people I know
keep me apprised
of so many meanings of
and methods for
"going green,"
though I am reminded
by some of them
of a Rube Goldberg Machine
as I picture the manufacture
and installation of solar panels
to absorb the sun's energy
and convert it to electricity
in order to run a dryer

while the Amish
go direct from sun to clothes.

Perhaps it's us
who are amiss,
and they are
ahead of our time. 

Of course, the panels power
more than the dryer,
but will they end up
in the same place
as the Pampers?
And is that better or worse
than the coal burning somewhere
to power my washer?

These debates, pro- and con-,
about renewable energy
leave me feeling
hung out to dry,
particularly when both sides 
become more entrenched in their positions than 
the engine oil stain that won't come out of my high school drama sweatshirt,
and especially when my clothesline
wasn't accompanied by a government subsidy.

as I watch my underwear
wafting in the wind with the cloth diapers,
waving at my neighbors walking by,
I feel my worries, 
with the water,

into clouds
that I guess
will block the sun for both
the panels
and the clothesline,
as we all get swept along
with the Tide.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

The First Last Supper

The blacksmith shops

and smelting pots

lie empty

at Zarapheth.

A widow

carries 2 sticks


the city gate.

The man of holiness

asks a little water

and a morsel of bread,

the last 

and first things 

of her crock.

Accepting his will,

she presses the oil

from every pour

into the meal

until there is no more.

With fire lit

in the stone hearth,

the dough is altared

and offered.




Remember me.

Commending her to heaven,

angels pass over

meal and oil

for the barrel and cruse

that never fail

to fill all her house


the bread of life. 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Verda Farnes


My great grandmother
croons her cabbages, couched in
C-major sunshine.

Four diminutive
Wyoming elves lean on spades,
hide near, parched to hear.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Orange Crush

I think I’m patient.

53 minutes after
my pizza is due,
I know I am not.

The best I can do is chat
with fellow suff’rers:
older door dash chap,
mom and her seven-year-old,
mother of teen boys.

Complaining binds us;
a mutual enemy
forges fast allies. 

I’m hot and ready.
I'm supremely frustrated.
Extra most madddest.

Others come and go.

I begin to conspire
with my gollum self
about my precious
ring of powerf’lly scented
dough, sauce, cheese, toppings.

We plot and script out
the politest way to ask
to whine to someone,
to wheedle our way
to two free pizza coupons
or something greater.

The grandma cashier
who should be retired and
playing with grandkids
- she who I despise
as the company’s face but
mostly pity - comes.


Offers a free 2-liter.

I choose Orange Crush
and gush gratitude
for being seen, understood
before I went and
embarrassed myself
with a public display of
hangry aggression.

Am I spineless then?
Not standing up for myself?
Confrontation shy?
Accepting this cold
soda pop as recompense
for an hour of life?

Gollum shrieks out, “Take
action, Precious… revenge! Give
a taste of your pain!”

I take the pizzas and give a wave. 

I’ve got my spine. I’ve
got my self-restraint. And I’ve
got my Orange Crush.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Walmart Hearse

On a late night Skittles run,
I saw it
like a royal uber from the inner circle of the rainbow bridge:
a purple hearse in the Walmart parking lot,
as if Grimace and the Ghostbusters ganged up
to treat someone to the coolest last ride ever.

I wondered...
What did the drivers forget that spurred this errand -
Black Balloons?
Funeral Potatoes?
Surely they would know Walmart's coffins are only available online.

If I were to die today, what color of hearse would I choose?
Were the drivers simply dead on their feet?
Were the checkout lanes really that slow?

Is this shrine to consumerism the location where someone wished to be buried
in their fleece 😀💖😎 pajama bottoms, too-tight tank top, and tie-dyed crocs,
somewhere between the Cheetos and $5 dvd bin 
just in case the Egyptian pharaohs were right about the afterlife
and you ought to stock up on essentials you may need in the Great Value beyond?

And, am I choosing a similar cemetery as I enter, exhausted, 
in my orange running shorts, Star Wars t-shirt, and grass-stained work shoes,
feeling my will to live wane as I wait in line,
expiring faster than the bologna slovenly restocked by some exanimate shopper 
behind the Equate foot cream?

It kills me how they open the lane to my left 
just as I place my items on the belt after waiting twenty minutes. 
